Sunday, May 17, 2015

Heroes of Olympus: The Son of Neptun

"THE SNAKE-HAIRED LADIES WERE starting to annoy Percy.
They should have died three days ago when he dropped a crate of bowling balls on them at the Napa Bargain Mart. They should have died two days ago when he ran over them with a police car in Martinez. They definitely should have died this morning when he cut off their heads in Tilden Park."
They are beautiful, right?

Percy has a couple of problems:

  1. 2 gorgons are trying to kill him and have for days
  2. He is going somewhere, he is not really sure where the end destination is
  3. He has amnesia
"Percy hated tests. Since he’d lost his memory, his whole life was one big fill-in-the-blank. He was ____________________, from ____________________. He felt like ____________________, and if the monsters caught him, he’d be ____________________."

    He comes to a hill... and he is trapped.
    Snake lady's come, they try to kill him and he jumps of the hill on a metal tray... just a normal day for a demi-god

    "As he fell toward the highway, a horrible scenario flashed through his mind: his body smashing against an SUV’s windshield, some annoyed commuter trying to push him off with the wipers. Stupid sixteen-year-old kid falling from the sky! I’m late!"
    He gets to the highway without dying... an incredible task by it self.

    U get the idea
    There he meet's "the goddess of smelly, heavy, useless hippies", it's actually Juno in disguise.
    He carries her all the way to Camp Jupiter, where one of the two guards that where at the gate gets caught by a gorgon, Percy does his thing with water and saves Frank.

    Old bag lady becomes Juno everybody is in awe and all, but Percy is Percy and shows no respect what so ever.

    He gets taken to the principia (Roman version HQ) he talks with Reyna praetor of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata,then he gets send to the Augur... that by the way is a creep and the stuff in teddy bear nightmares.

    He meet's Nico DiAngelo (... again)  at Pluto's shrine 

    They talk and Percy thinks he knows him, but he isn't sure for obvious reasons.

    Hazel talks with her brother "the oh so brooding" Nico, we find out she was dead for 70 years before coming back to the world of the living.

    They have a initiation thing with Percy, Hazel stands up for him and he gets put in the fifth cohort

    “Thanks, Hazel,” he said. “Um, what exactly does it mean—your standing for me?” 
    “I guarantee your good behavior,” Hazel explained. “I teach you the rules, answer your questions, make sure you don’t disgrace the legion.” 
    “And…if I do something wrong?” 
    “Then I get killed along with you,” Hazel said. “Hungry? Let’s eat.” 

    Then they play war game - the fifth wins - Mars shows up and claims Frank as his son - much to Franks dismay.
    They get send on a quest (no wonder) to save Death... in Alaska the land beyond the gods... where Hazel died... raising an immortal giant... that can't die... Well, let's see how that goes.

    The only help they get from the Romans are the "great" roman navy... one old rowboat called Pax.

    They row out to no man's land cause Hazel  is having a blackout like thing - she relives her life... old life - in no man's land Hazel gets kidnapped by a grass field...????

    "HAZEL WAS AN EXPERT ON WEIRD. She’d seen her mother possessed by an earth goddess. She’d created a giant out of gold. She’d destroyed an island, died, and come back from the Underworld.
    But getting kidnapped by a field of grass? That was new."

    She escapes by summoning a pile of schist... did i forget to mention she can summon all the riches from the earth... with the little problem that if you touch them you die.

    The guys rescue her, they see the armies in their way to Camp Jupiter, Percy gets a freak out so the go to a little shop close by... they only have to fight 3 basilisks.
    They reach the place it is partially owned by Iris the rainbow goddess (BTW, she is thinking about becoming a Buddhist...???). Frank gets advice from Iris slays the basilisk with his dragon tooth spear.

    They go on Portland to visit Phineas a blind man that sees the future, he also gets the title of seriously mother fucking creeper.

    They  find a harpy named Ella Phineas wants, but they won't give her up so the make a bet with the dude that sees the future.
    They have 2 vials with gorgon blood one from each side one cures all the other gives you a painful death.

    Percy makes Gaea trick Phineas into choosing the wrong vial, they get the location of where Death is kept prisoner and of they go to Seattle to Amazon territory.
    They get taken prisoners, escape on a untamable horse faster then the speed of sound, they ride all the way to Franks grandmothers house, outside a large quantity of "Canadians" - Laistrygonians -  and again dragon tooth spear to the rescue.

    They get to the house, Mars is there and they have a loving father-to-son talk, Frank finds out about the family "power" he can change shape...Nice!!

    They fight a smaller war on top of grandmas house they escape take a plane to Alaska.

    Here they take a train and get attacked by griffins and get saved by sliding under the butt of a cute blue giant.

     Well and of the go to the city where Hazel lived last before she died and yet again get attacked, but
    Arion saves their asses and get them to Death prison.

    Of they go up the glacier to face a immortal giant and an army of ghost... nothing can go wrong.
    Well, Hazel fights the giant, Frank melts Death chains and Percy faces an army.

    Frank releases Death, helps Hazel by turning into a giant bear, they take "Golden boy" to Canada where he can be killed (He is immortal in his birth or something).

    They kill the giant find Percy get a golden carriage and a lot of deadly gold weapons.
    They go back to Camp Jupiter in a couple of hours. They get in the fight and destroy all of their

    It is a really good book and all it just has these... moments.
    The first time in the presence of Octavian, actually him in general pisses me off
    Thanatos is creepy and confusing
    But in general a really good boom i love the whole Hazel/Frank thing (I'm a hopeless romantic) I also love Annabeth being Percy's only memory.
    The whole back from the dead and the blackouts gives the story an interesting spin.
    Franks burned wood stick and the whole old roots and magic make him an extremely interesting person in the book.
    Gaea waking of course makes the quest even harder and therefore more interesting.

    What can you use this book for in real life:
    No secret is too big to share with friends, if they are real friends they will protect the secret the best they are capable of

    A real life with pain, suffering but also possibilities are better than living a lie and sheltered from the pain of the world.

    Nothing is impossible the word it self says "I'm possible - Audrey Hepburn

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