Friday, May 15, 2015

Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero

"EVEN BEFORE HE GOT ELECTROCUTED, Jason was having a rotten day..."

That is a great start for a book

The Lost Hero is about Jason, Piper and Leo

Well, Jason wakes up in a school bus... with no memory.

Piper thinks she is his girlfriend... but it is only a trick of the mist... that seriously sucks for her.

They get attacked by a classmate that turns out to be a wind monster a venti or anemoi thuella depending on who you ask.
The evil coach turns out to be half goat... a satyr or faun again depending on who you ask.
Jason has  a magic gold coin that turns in to a magic gold sword.

And Leo falls in to the Grand Canyon...

They get picked up by Annabeth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) that demands to know where Percy is... he is missing, if you hadn't guessed. 

They crash land in the lake and Leo gets claimed by Hephaestus (god of blacksmiths and fire)

Piper gets shown around camp by Annabeth... and that ends with Piper finding out every memory she has with Jason are fake... so of course that ends with tears... 

Leo gets shown around "cabin nine domain" and gets to know about " the cabin nine curse"... yeah they have there own curse... and a giant sycophantic metal dragon.

Piper meets Rachel (The oracle)... and that does not go so well, since Rachel is possessed by Hera  and Piper goes unconscious. And at the same time Juno (Roman version of Hera) shows herself for Jason.

“I hate to tell you this,” Jason said, “but I think your leopard just ate a goddess.”
Oh, and by the way Jason should be dead or Chiron thinks he should be dead.

They go to the camp fire Aphrodite claims Piper... which Piper finds rather horrifying... barbie doll mom and bitchy siblings... life is good...not

Piper Woke up and immediately grabbed a mirror. There were plenty of those in the Aphrodite cabin. 
She sat on her bunk, looked at her reflection and groaned.

She was still gorgeous.

We find out ho Jason's godly parent is ... and there comes a new quest YAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!
“Child of lightning, beware the earth, 
The giants’ revenge the seven shall birth, 
The forge and dove shall break the cage, 
And death unleash through Hera’s rage.”

Leo gets on the quest by repairing psycho dragon and the reason he can do that is that he has a bit of a fire problem... he busts out in flames from time to time.

"You named him Festus? You know that in Latin, ‘festus’ means ‘happy’? You want us to ride off to save the world on Happy the Dragon?” 
“That’s a yes, bro!” Leo said. 

Well and of they go, first to Boreas god of the North wind, there they meet Khione the Ice Princess
They don't get killed, yayy
They get goin' to on there way to Chicago... but they crash land in Detroit in an abandoned car warehouse... or something.
Festus crash lands on a  line of Porta-Potties toilets just behind the giant warehouse.
She might look cute
but she is EVIL!!!
There "Dirt lady" talks to Leo... she is the reason his mother died...
And he dumps a toilet on her face...o_ 0!?

And the warehouse turns out to be evil cyclops lair... not good.
Jason gets knocked out, Piper gets captured and Leo saves the day.

Leo goes all machine type hero makes it do stuff... like smash cyclops to dust... oh and he burns.

Next stop Chicago to an evil shopping center, there is a lot of crazy stuff like poisons and old armor and forget potions and remember potions and generally stuff like that.

Oh, she also sells long lost friends 
"Um, right. Actually, Your Highness …” He pointed to the gilded cage on the first floor. “That’s our friend down there, Gleeson Hedge. The satyr. Could we … have him back, please?"
Well it ends up with the boys almost killing each other but Piper charm speaking them out of it. 
The whole thing explodes... KABOOM

And King Midas is up next, he turns Piper and Leo to gold and Jason fights Midas's son Lit (short for Lityerses), they escape and end at Pikes Peak, Colorado where Aeolus’s floating palace should be anchored.
They meet the very first werewolf in the world Lycaon and his pack of not so friendly wolves... they almost get killed... but the last minute The Hunters come and save the lead by Thalia... did I mention she is Jason's long-lost sister... or he is her long-lost brother... whatever

They talk and we find out Jason/Thalia's mother was messed up... as in seriously fucked up. 
She gave Jason to Hera and told Thalia that he was dead... 
WTF happened to a loving and pie baking mother?!!?!??!?

They go to Aeolus castle and Leo accidentally spontaneously combusts and melts the bridge... and of course the god is MAAAAD, as in nutty, kooky, batty, psychotic, lunatic, mental, rabid, wacky.
They end up getting his personal assistant fired, almost get killed and generally causing mayhem.

They get whirled to California. They go to Mount Diablo slay a giant and save Pipers dad that has been captured... all in a couple of hours.

They go of to the wolf house to save Hera... There is a  battle an other giant, wolves and Frosty the princess... They save the world and all is well... more or les

I love the new blood in the Percy Jackson universe.
Piper is the shit I love her anti-heartbreaking thing
Leo with his heart breaking story of life
but Jason can from time to time piss me the fuck off

  1. Piper - Reyna thing
  2. Memory loss (though not entirely his fault)
  3. He is too perfect
Festus is awesome too I was really sad when he "died"
The gods going silent and Zeus being a paranoid ass doesn't help at all

What can you use this book for in real life:
Get your feelings out or the will end up boiling and you might try to for example stab your best friend

Don't let any one beat you out or break you spirit

If you got a bitch in your life, she fucks with you fuck back even worse.

There is a difference between being hot and beautiful. If you are hot your appearance is pretty, but if you are beautiful it is your soul.

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