Saturday, May 2, 2015

I-Team: Extreme exposiure

Kara McMillan single mother of 4 year old Connor, she is a journalist at the "Denver Independent"  She is a member of the I-Team - thus the title.
"Kara talked to people all the time. In the ten years she’d been a journalist she’d talked to literally thousands of people—corporate CEOs, government officials, convicted drug smugglers, war survivors, rock stars, even a retired assassin. She’d gotten angry phone calls, hate mail, death threats. None of it fazed her."
Senator Reece Sheridan is as the title so nicely announces a senator, in Colorado, he is "The Tree hugger" senator. 

Kara has interviewed Reece over the phone a couple of times but the first time they meet in person... is so unofficial, it's a bar...
Kara is there with her best friend "Horny" Holly in "The Rio" she gets a drink and sees Reece enter, they start chit chatting .. until a pretty Barbie shows up...                                                                                           The girls get dinner and Kara gets more and more hammered, they start talking about sex, and Reece shows up and he gets in the discussion... Well lets just say it gets veeerry colorful...
Well the night ends with Holly abandoning her with Reece, he drives her home, but he is a perfect gentle man and doesn't sleep with her... or an almost perfect gentle man

"When she had asked him in for tea, her eyes smoky with female sensuality, he’d been hard pressed to refuse her. But he’d been certain they’d end up sharing more than tea, and he’d always made it a policy never to have sex with a woman who might wake up the next morning and claim she didn’t know how he’d gotten into her bed."
Reece is sponsoring a bill for TexaMent, not so much for them as for the environment, so that companies can burn waste tires instead of coal... and the weird thing Devlin, practical Reece's archenemy is in on the bill... the plot thickens... dam dam dam daaaam (supposed to be scary music)...
To those of us that can't lip read he is saying "WTF" 
"I’m a bit startled myself,’ Perhaps someone ought to check the weather report in Hell.’ ”

And Kara is investigating a company called Northstrup... there is this guy going whistleblower... cause they are dumping tocsins in the water... noooot good.
Just fast info they dump tocsins in the water and living around the plant gets you sick... again... noooooot good in the league of mother fucking shit

“Borated polyisobutenyl succinic anhydride nitrogen, ethylene-propene copolymer, and methyl ethyl ketone—these are common components in engine oil, the kind one uses in heavy industrial machinery. They’re in the water in high concentrations.”
“So they’re dumping waste oil in the water instead of paying to have it removed or recycled.”
“That’s my guess. But there’s more. The water has dangerously high levels of methylene chloride. Methylene chloride is an extremely toxic substance found in solvents used to degrease industrial machinery. It looks like Northrup is changing the oil on their machinery, cleaning up, then dumping everything—oil and solvents—into the water.”

Well, Kara and Reece go out... oooh myyy gawd, who would have guessed...
before the date even starts Kara gets embarrassed as her son found her vibrator and ran out with it...
"Mommy, what’s this jiggle stick?”
She looked up to see her son standing not two feet away from Reece with her purple jelly vibrator in his hand. And he was shaking it, making it waggle back and forth."

They go to a Italian place, and it all ends with them making out in his car... YAAAAY :) and decide next date night - Friday

The next night is not as... pleasurable?, as the night before since there is this creep is calling her and giving death threats

“Listen, little girl, you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into,” a man whispered, his voice a malevolent hiss. “You can’t handle this, and if you try you’re going to end up dead. Back off now, or face the heat.”

Reece calls her and she thinks he is "The caller" (cool name, right) screams a little at him and he gets all macho man protective and comes over, they kiss and make out... until Holly calls yelling about her sex life...

Kara is going as chaperon for her sons field trip... but she has to cancel cause Northrup is at the state health department...

"Northrup is crawling all over this place. They’ve been here since Monday. You need to get down here. Their attorneys are scouring through our records, telling the state attorney which documents they can include in your open-records request and which they can’t."

She gets over there with Joaquin the papers (best) photographer and there she goes all Commando Ice
Princess on them... is that actually a thing?..
Well and there we meet Galen a 40 something year old lawyer... and also Conner's father... shock, right?..

"She felt the blood drain from her face and fought to keep her expression neutral.
“Allowing my client access to these documents before making them public is completely within the bounds of the law, Ms. McMillan. According to Colorado Revised Statutes—” 
Ms. McMillan. You had his baby, and he calls you Ms. McMillan. 
Cold rage flared in her belly, and she exploded. “Listen, lawyer boy, don’t quote statute at me. I know open-records law inside and out, and there is no provision that entitles a corporation to pick and choose which public documents the public gets to see. Public records are public. Period.”
Galen looked stunned and sputtered. 
I’m not the naive college grad you screwed and dumped, am I?"

Take that asshole.

And she is so exhausted she can't get herself to look pretty or anything so she calls Reece to cancel, but he comes to her place and make dinner and is generally a super nice, cute and gentlemanly... they yet again make out and it yet again ends because someone is calling though this time it is "The Caller"...
The cops come but she can't tell them anything, but they give her a panic button.

Reece invites her to his "cabin" in the woods for a long weekend and of course she says yes.
And they practically fuck 3 days in a row...

When they come back Kara's house is totaled, she goes to Reece's place.
And the next day the happy bobble gets pricked by a police report about the b&e... with both Reece's name and hers...

The next night Kara sleeps at her mothers place and she convinces Kara about Reece...
She comes to the senate, she invites Reece over, when she leaves Galen sees her and get all... MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLE like

“Yeah. I know her—if you take my meaning.” Prentice nodded, a self-satisfied smirk spreading across his face. “Watch out for her. She’s a hot piece of ass, for sure, but she’s not worth it. All she wants is to snag herself a successful husband. She tried trapping me a few years back. Got knocked up, then looked at me like I was supposed to marry her or some damned thing. I made it real clear I wasn’t going to fall for that old trick, and—”
He comes over and the usual happens... the next morning Reece forgets about the confrontation with Galen and doesn't tell her... let's just say Kara gets more than mildly pissed

She gets ambushed by the girl for a girls night out,
At shit o'clock at night she wakes thinking there are raccoon on her porch, it turns out to be a man (if you can call him that) with a gun... she breaks his nose and he tries to rape her, but gets killed before he can... YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!... am I evil for being happy about that?

 She goes to the hospital, police cheif Iring and Tom decide she has to go under protective custody, but before she leaves of course she has to be a bitch to Reece that would do anything for her.

And then Reece is accused of murder... uhmm, WHAT!!

She gets over the being angry with him and breaks the whole cloak and dagger thing by telling him how to get to her hotel, they get going on the investigation and get a pretty big lead.

Kara get kidnapped by the CEO of Northrup... and lets see how that ends


4 stars
I have never really thought about what investigating reporters do, so it was nice with all the detail... but it kind of took the attention away from the whole "relationship thing" which was kind of irritating not much but a bit...

I love that both Kara and Reece take their job so seriously and love what they do.
I also adore Connor he is so freaking innocent and Kara is such a the best mother she can be and loves him to bits which is so damn lovely.

The relationship problems weren't like big world shattering problems which was really nice.

What can you use this book for in real life:
Stand for what is right and stand strong.

Do what love and love what you do.

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