Monday, June 15, 2015

I-Team: Hard Evidence

Tessa Novak is a journalist for the Denver Independent, she was the daughter of a 14 year old trailer trash girl.
She has done the best she can to get out from her heritage. She is also an addict to coffee and that gets her in trouble, cause while buying gas station coffee she witnesses a drive by shooting.

So she goes Wonder Woman and writes a first-person account in the Denver Independent. Which gets the attention of BAD people, and also agent Julian Darcangelo, dark, hot lone wolf. first time they see each other is in a hospital where she s sure he is gonna kill a man. 
"Let me get this straight. You tried to pull the fire alarm. He grabbed you and dragged you into a closet, where you pointed a loaded gun at him. He disarmed you, and then"—-Chief Irving had coughed or choked—"and then he kissed you?"
"Assaulted me."
"Christ! That's just great." 
Next time they see each other he arrests her for walking under the yellow tape.
The next time they see each other he ruins an interview. 

"Why should I tell you?" Syko shrugged, took a step toward her, crowding her.She stood fast, lifted her chin, heart thrumming. "BecauseI'm the only one stupid enough to stand by myself in a dark alley and ask."
The next day they meet at the police station and go on to doing it hot and heavy under the stairs, but get interrupted.
Later he has to teach her to shoot, first time she hears a gun go off she gets a flash back and panics. Julian caries her out and get all soft on her... which he himself cannot explain.

That night she gets touched by somebody... while dosing of in her bathtub. She calls Julian he comes over and so does the cops. Julian stays to sleep over, but only sleep
"Hang up, and dial nine-one-one! Lock your door, and don't let anyone inside unless they show you a badge. Grab your gun, and do whatever you have to do to protect yourself. Do you hear me, Tessa? If it moves, and it isn't a cop, shoot it! I'm on my way."
And Tessa's mom calls cause she has moved to Denver, and her evil grandfather is dead.
It turns out the dude that was in her apartment was connected to the shooting, Julian and the cops make a trap, the guy shoots a cop and escapes. And just before that Julian and Tessa wee getting it on, he says something pisses her of, she kicks him out and so on.

She goes of to the gang again and it goes fine and she gets chaperoned home by Julian... 
"Had she really just called one of the most dangerous gang-bangers in Denver "cuzz"? "
Julian gets shot in the chest by another gang. They escape go to the bat cave, they end up sleeping together, though next morning no hearts and flowers.
Tessa finally calls her mother and they have a long heartfelt talk. 

The next morning she gets some of his life story out of hi, but of course he has to be a jackass about it. Tessa gets pictures in her e-mail, TESSA WILL SUFFER like pictures.

After some rough sex he tells her the rest of his life story cause he thinks he raped her, which he by the way didn't.

The next morning his ex-comes over to see to the e-mail thingy (she is a computer tech)
Later Tessa gets kidnapped from the house by the bad guys...

It's a good book and all sometimes it's really hard to follow, the details were really good and made it a realistic book.
Julian's whole lone wolf, my life and romance before sucked therefore no love for me. It's irritating and kinda cliche.
Also the topic is not really something I know about, but I did get sucked into this book anyhow.
I like that we get both POW's from both Tessa and Julian.
I also like the glimpses we get of the bad guy

What can you use this book for in real life:

Your past does not define you, you define yourself.
Never give up if you know something is wrong do what you can to stop it

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